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  • Kelsey Wismer

The #100 Day Project // Postcard Sale

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

As a creative person and an art teacher, this pandemic hit me (and so many more) in the middle of a burnout phase. Like most other teachers, I had no clue what I was doing as we switched into online learning mode so suddenly.

I’ve been mourning the loss of time with the 92 students that wiggled their personalities into my heart in just a matter of months. I smile at their amazing creations made with whatever materials they can find at home. I’m in awe of their resilience to wake up each day and attempt to learn a new online system with unstable internet connection, and the constant distraction of TikTok trends and the latest Naratou episodes on Netflix.

I’m grieving with them over their loss of social interaction with friends at lunchtime, their limit of safe spaces away from complicated home situations, and their increased exposure to less than ideal events that take place on the streets of their neighborhoods. Now more than ever, my students are likely getting a front row seat to an increase in medical, financial, and relational stressors. Though we can't do much to change these realities, we can continue to make art and seek to remain connected through it all.

So as we all enter into this foreign new normal of fighting a pandemic, confronting our racism, and defending the oppressed minorities in our communities and our nation, I am inviting you to consider how you can be intentional about taking steps toward change in a small and specific way...

Our school is making plans to open in the fall. Families need to get back to work. This is not an easy decision. Remote learning is not ideal but is always a possibility as this virus continues to evolve. Either way, many schools are cutting back extracurricular courses and activities as sharing supplies, and covering expenses is an additional burden on small school communities like ours.

No. 48 of 100 LOGAN Hope School, Philadelphia, PA

If teaching online through such a difficult season has taught me anything, it is that kiddos today need creative outlets. Our students need safe spaces to process the fear of a pandemic, the trauma of racism and recent riots, and the uncertainty of where they belong in a world that continues to silence voices and stories that are different or uncomfortable. Sharing community art room supplies is no longer a luxury that we can rely on. Our community of our 90+ students will need a small personal art kit to stay creative while containing their germs, either at school or home.

Each $20 Art Kit Will Ideally Include:

-Plastic supply case ($2)

-3 drawing pencils ($.20)

-Pencil Sharpener ($.50)

-Eraser ($.20)

-Sketchbook ($4)

-Colored Pencils ($1)

-Oil Pastels ($3)

-Watercolors/Brushes ($3)

-Scissors ($3)

-Glue Stick ($.50)

To keep art in my school and to keep myself challenged creatively, I am continuing my #PostagePlaces project, as a part of the 100 Day Project. I am creating 100 postcards of places that are meaningful to me. Your purchase of a postcard print will contribute to lowering the costs of the art kits that I am collecting for each of my students this fall. If you would like to donate directly to our school, you can do so here! (Please specify art donations under the "Student Art Kit" Tab in the drop down menu.) All donations of $25 or more will also receive a free postcard print! (Options Below)

Once you donate Email me! ( -A screenshot of your donation receipt -Your mailing address -Your postcard of choice Thanks so much for supporting my students, and enjoying my art!

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